Ensure Warmth And Comfort – Heating Services
At Hot Rod & Yox Plumbing Heating Solar, we work hard to make your comfort and satisfaction our #1 priority. Meeting your expectations to the best of our capabilities with all plumbing and heating services is our prime concern. This is why we understand the importance of a well-heated, comfortable home.

Our Heating Services Include:
- Radiant Heat And Boilers In Floor & Baseboard (Service, Maintenance, Installation, And Repair)
- Snow Melting For Driveways, Decks, Patios (Service, Maintenance, Repair, And Installation)
- Garage Heaters
- Indirect Water Heaters
- Residential Furnace (Service, Repair, and Maintenance)
If your home has HDD (heat deficiency disorder) call us.
We’ve been taking that misery out of Park City for decades.
It might even be our favorite thing to do! And we love radiant heat.
Sorry – we don’t sell firewood.
Contact Info
4554 Foresdale Dr. Unit B10,
Park City UT 84098
Business Hours
Monday to Friday:
7:30 am to 4:00 pm
Coverage Area
We service all of Park City including Summit Park, Pinebrook, Jeremy, Silver Creek, Silver Lake, Bald Eagle, Empire Pass, Promontory, Deer Crest, Glenwild. We also go to Deer Mountain, Hide Out, and Tuhaye
Accepted Payments
Licensed and Insured